Michael J. Gunson, DDS, MD
Facial Growth and Dental Implant Timing

Matthew T. Dailey, DDS, MD
Nerve Regeneration; where are we and where are we going?

Alejandro Martínez, DDS, OMFS
Orthognathic Ambulatory Surgery: 25 Years of Experience; Where Are We Today?

Harry L. Dougherty, Jr. DDS, MS
Mini screws to facilitate proper root alignment in pre-surgical orthodontic setup

Eduardo Sant’Ana, DDS, PhD
Changes in the Facial Profile Due to Alteration of the Occlusal Plane

Marianna Evans, DMD
Extreme forms of dento-alveolar extrusion, implications for orthognathic surgery

Korkmaz Sayinsu, DDS, PhD
Orthodontic Strategies for Optimal Outcomes in Multipiece Le Fort I Surgery Cases

Pablo Cornélius-Leite, DDS
Vertical Repositioning of the Upper Incisors in Orthognathic Surgery: How many factors should be evaluated?

Jim Janakievski, DDS MSD
Interdisciplinary treatment strategies for alveolar ridge deficiencies in the esthetic zone

Greggory A. Kinzer, DDS, MSD
Interdisciplinary treatment strategies for alveolar ridge deficiencies in the esthetic zone.

Rebecca Bockow, DDS, MS
A Fresh Look at the Gummy Smile

Esteban Alvarado, DDS, OMFS
Vertical Maxillary Deficiency

L. Douglas Knight, DMD, ABO, FAGD
Invisalign First - Start Early!

Bruno Ardanza-Trevijano, MD, DDS, PhD
Increasing Accuracy to our Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

Eric Thuler, MD, PhD, MBA
Anatomical Determinants of Upper Airway Collapse: Why Skeletal Surgery?

Alberto Canabez, DDS
The importance of the Vertical dimension and how to approach the hyper-divergent class II with Skeletal anchorage.

Monika Walerzak, DDS, PhD
Non-Surgical Management of Skeletal Open Bite in Adult Patients: Protocols Utilizing Skeletal Anchorage and Evaluation of Treatment Outcomes

Dara J. Chira, DMD
Management of Orthodontic, TMD, and FAB Patients with Autoimmune Issues

Jeffrey L. McClendon, DMD, FAGO, ABGD
A Pirate Looks at 40 Mac, Buffet, & FAB a review of 3 patients

Walter J. Joseph, MD
A Plastic Surgery Perspective: Lifting the Face and the Lip