805-682-8462 Referring Doctors Request an Appointment



Arnett Gunson Facial Reconstruction is dedicated to providing every patient with the highest quality of treatment.

Our surgical assistant staff has a combined total of 39 years with the office and we pride ourselves for being knowledgeable in all areas of orthognathic surgical care.

From the first appointment, patients are individually assigned a trained surgical assistant to guide them through their entire surgical experience. We look forward to meeting you.

Staff Directory


Scheduling Coordinator

2020 joined Arnett Gunson Facial Reconstruction

·         Coordinates new and current patient appointments

Contact: carol@arnettgunson.com

Office: 805-682-8462


Cindy Hedger

Patients Account Manager

2011 joined Arnett Gunson Facial Reconstruction

Contact: cindy@arnettgunson.com

Direct Line: 805-895-2806

Jill McCutcheon

Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Assistant and

Clinical Records Coordinator

2004 joined Arnett Gunson Facial Reconstruction

·         Direct pre-operative and post-operative patient care

·         Digital record technician

Contact: jill@arnettgunson.com

Kimberly Short

Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Assistant and

Patient Treatment Coordinator

2005 joined Arnett Gunson Facial Reconstruction

·         Direct pre-operative and post-operative patient care

·         Coordinating patient treatment plans

·         Doctor communication regarding patient treatment plans

Contact: kimberly@arnettgunson.com


Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Assistant

2023 joined Arnett Gunson Facial Reconstruction    

·         Direct pre-operative and post-operative patient care

·         Coordinating patient treatment plans   

Contact: jenae@arnettgunson.com


Certified Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Assistant

2024 joined Arnett Gunson Facial Reconstruction      

·         Direct pre-operative and post-operative patient care

·         Coordinating patient treatment plans   

Contact: kristen@arnettgunson.com 

Renee Mata

Business Manager | Lecture Coordinator

1991 joined Arnett Gunson Facial Reconstruction

Contact: rmata@arnettgunson.com

Office: 805-682-8462


Nancy Christensen

Research Assistant | Digital Consultation Assistant

1983 joined Arnett Gunson Facial Reconstruction

Contact: nancy@arnettgunson.com